Processing All Things Federal Circuit

Topic Archives: Announcements

  • Oral Argument Innovations at SCOTUS
    - Announcements

    Oral Argument Innovations at SCOTUS

    By: Seth W. Lloyd

    Like the Federal Circuit, the U.S. Supreme Court has returned to in-person arguments. But the Supreme Court has adopted a hybrid of its old free-for-all style of questioning and the more orderly Justice-by-Justice questioning format it used over the phone. MoFo appellate co-chairs Deanne
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  • Welcome to Federal Circuitry
    - Announcements

    Welcome to Federal Circuitry

    Federal Circuitry is a data-driven Federal Circuit blog. Our Federal Circuit Statistics empirically analyze quantifiable aspects of the Court. Our En Banc Tracker highlights pending and past petitions. Our Substantive Order Tracker allows you to search less-discussed orders. Check back weekly for Last Week
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