Who Wins, Who Loses Revisited
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Federal Circuitry is a data-driven Federal Circuit blog. Our Federal Circuit Statistics empirically analyze quantifiable aspects of the Court. Our En Banc Tracker highlights pending and past petitions. Our Substantive Order Tracker allows you to search less-discussed orders. Check back weekly for Last Week in the Federal Circuit and monthly for our Oral Argument Recap. Follow us on Twitter @Fed_Circuitry.
- At Federal Circuitry, we frequently update our statistics. We now have almost a year’s worth of data since we started our project of collecting every Federal Circuit decision and collating all of the Court’s substantive orders. In a post in July , I took... ›
Last Week in the Federal Circuit (October 12-16): The Federal Circuit on Matters of the Heart
By: Seth W. Lloyd
Perhaps the biggest Federal Circuit news last week didn’t come from the Federal Circuit; it happened when the Supreme Court granted review in Arthrex (read our insight ). In the Federal Circuit, the Court not surprisingly issued a smattering of Rule 36s in the... ›Supreme Court to Review Arthrex: Big Deal or Ho Hum?
By: Seth W. Lloyd and Brian R. Matsui
Over the past several months, we’ve looked at what Federal Circuit cases the Supreme Court has and hasn’t reviewed, and how often the Supreme Court agrees with each Federal Circuit judge. Today, we got another data point with our first grant of a Federal... ›Last Week in the Federal Circuit (October 5-9): A Tangled Knot of Patent Ownership and Required Parties
By: Brian R. Matsui and Seth W. Lloyd
Last week was court week, and as we noted in our video insights , the Federal Circuit was very busy hearing arguments (not many were cancelled). Given that, it is perhaps no surprise that there weren’t many precedential opinions. Below we provide our usual... ›Federal Circuitry: Brief Insights (October 8, 2020)
By: Brian R. Matsui
It’s court week at the Federal Circuit, so we decided to take a brief look at what cases had their arguments cancelled in October, and how that compares to previous months. To find out, watch our two-minute video above and take a peek at... ›Last Week in the Federal Circuit (September 28 – October 2): Product-by-Process Methods of Treatment
The Supreme Court is abuzz, kicking off a new term this morning and announcing several cert grants last week. Things have been calmer across town at the Federal Circuit—which, unlike the Supreme Court, has been working all summer. The Federal Circuit issued only three... ›How the Federal Circuit (and Its Judges) Fare at the Supreme Court
By: Joseph R. Palmore
How well do Federal Circuit decisions hold up at the Supreme Court? And which Federal Circuit judges have their votes most often affirmed? With the new Supreme Court term around the corner, we dove into a decade’s worth of data to find out. The... ›Last Week in the Federal Circuit (September 21-25): Joinder and Statutory Estoppel
By: Seth W. Lloyd and Brian R. Matsui
The Federal Circuit had a fairly busy week as summer officially came to a close. It issued six written decisions last week, three precedential. Below we provide our usual weekly statistics and our case of the week—our highly subjective selection based on whatever case... ›Federal Circuitry: Brief Insights (September 25, 2020)
By: Brian R. Matsui
Last week Federal Circuitry discussed injunctions and stays pending appeal (or mandamus), and, at the end of the week, an interesting mandamus order addressing a challenge to venue in the Eastern District of Texas was released. In the mandamus petition, the petitioner also sought... ›September Oral Argument Recap
By: Brian R. Matsui
Now that we’re just over two weeks out from arguments in the Federal Circuit’s September sitting, it’s time for our monthly oral argument recap. After taking Thursday and Friday off during its August session, the Court was back to hearing arguments every day during... ›